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It’s here – Happy International Women’s Day!

Inspiring…successful…determined…compassionate; the list of traits could go on for miles, really.  All of these words are frequently used to describe the remarkable and influential women we look up to in our lives, or, as we like to call them: Our #SHEro’s.

So what exactly makes someone a #SHEro?

Besides the obvious answer “a female hero”; the term has so much potential to boost the female ego. In a society where we are under constant scrutiny, judgement, and comparison, it takes a strong woman to give another woman besides themselves positive sentiments and/or the praise and recognition they deserve.

There is no cookie cutter answer or defined list of qualities that entitles someone to the #SHEro label as the term is interpreted in many ways and holds many meanings.  There could be commonalities of celebrities and public figures that are well respected and go above and beyond for the community, like the beloved Oprah Winfrey and Ellen Degeneres.  Or, you could feel just as strongly giving a #SHEro shout out to your little sister, to whom you admire for her humor and charm. The candidacy for the #SHEro title is endless, and we want to talk about it.

In honor of #IWD2018 we want to start a movement, and we want it to catch on like wildfire.  Let’s be the spark to ignite the flame and empower the women around us. We implore you to tell us about your #SHEro or #SHEro’s if you can’t pinpoint just one (we love that thought!).  Share your story, tell us what about them inspires you or makes you want to be a better person. Don’t forget to tag and nominate them to do the same!

So here’s how it works!


  1. Use the hashtag #WhoisyourSHEro?

  2. Send us a picture and tell us what makes them your #SHEro

  3. Don’t forget to tag them to receive their #SHEro acknowledgment

  4. Nominate them (& others!) to join in


We’ll be posting and nominating our #SHEro’s throughout the next week.  We’re beyond excited to read, share, and spread the word on all of your amazing #SHEro’s out there!