Women Mean Business: 365 Days A Year

 In en

Happy International Women’s Day!

Women’s Day is all about unity. This celebration marks a call for action for economic equality while also celebrating women’s achievements, recognizing all of the passionate, and driven women that inspire us on the daily. At our current pace, the World Economic Forum estimates another 202 years before we reach gender parity. We have seen many breakthroughs since the first Women’s Day in the early 1900’s: more women in leadership positions, women entrepreneurship is skyrocketing, new policies have been put in place, a higher rate of advanced education is being attained, and the list goes on! However, amongst all of the progress and positivity, the facts still remain:

1. 43% of women leave the workforce because of obsolete, analogic work models

2. Only 5% of CEOs in Fortune 500 companies are women

3. Less than 2% of risk capital goes to women-led startups

4. Women on average are paid 22% less than men

Women represent half the universe, and yet, their strength and perseverance are still up for debate. How is it that our entire planet is on track to be connected by the internet by 2030, but it still leaves women fighting to balance their personal and professional life? Or having to go above and beyond to prove their worth to be CEO, to receive funding, to be treated fairly in the workplace? It’s 2019, women mean business 365 days a year, not just on Women’s Day.

So, how can we amplify this message and have real impact turning words into actions?

The speed of technological disruption is at an all-time high. News flash! A desk and/or office no longer defines a workspace and companies now have the opportunity to build more diverse teams accessing untapped female talent from all across the globe. Location and where you work is now irrelevant. If there is access to the internet and the ability to work from a computer, companies can empower women to work remotely providing flexible workplace arrangements, online collaboration tools, and non-traditional working hours, all in support to bridge the talent gap. This is the future of work, and it’s happening now.

At SheWorks! we are extremely proud to support amazing women entering the workforce on their own terms. We offer flexible working arrangements, connecting them with leading employers with the utmost transparency. No walls, no limits!

We invite you, or the talented women you know, to join the women-powered work revolution and become part of our remote workforce. We want you to thrive in the digital working world by creating a space where professional growth can be attained at your own pace, and you feel valued by the companies you are working with.

We also invite employees to reap the benefits of gender diversity and hire talented women from the SheWorks! platform. SheWorks! makes the hiring process easy and seamless, allowing to engage, collaborate, manage, rate, and pay the best-suited women, all in a single platform. Be the change in support of closing the gender employment gap, and start building your dream team now!

As Margaret Thatcher cited:

 “ … If you want something done, ask a woman.”

Women’s Day is extraordinary, and we need to keep the momentum going! In honor of #IWD2019, SheWorks! is starting an #AskAWoman Campaign and want YOU to be a part of it. Showcase and nominate the woman (or women!) in your life that inspires you, shows grit, determination, and lights your soul on fire, motivating you to be a better person. We’ll be posting and nominating incredible women daily, and need your help for this to be a success! We are beyond excited to read and share all of your nominations!

Let’s Get Nominating! Here’s How it Works:

1. Choose a woman that inspires youIdentify a woman (or women!) that make things happen

2. Fill out a nomination We want to hear from you! Visit http://askawoman.net/ and fill out a nomination form. Highlight their accomplishments and share their story of impact

3. Spread the word Use #AskAWoman and encourage others to join in and send their nominations – because if you want something done, #AskAWoman

4. Tag us in your posts Feel free to share a post of woman of inspiration, don’t forget to tag us@WhereSheWorks (IG) @SheWorksCloud (TW) so we can share the love!